With every delivery, we open a competition for our members to win whisky prizes by posting photos or videos of their bottles via FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM OR TWITTER, using #summertonwhiskyshots.
The winners from our August delivery (an exclusive club bottling from The English Distillery Co. for existing members and their Whisky Works King of Trees for new members) can be seen below. Each will receive a mystery miniature from Dan’s collection.
NOVEMBER Member’s Photo Competition
Our next competition opens on October 23rd. To enter, members will share a picture of their bottle on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, tagging (@SummertonClub) and using #SummertonWhiskyShots. Every picture they share gets an entry and there’s no limit to how many times you can enter.
To follow the entries, simply search #SummertonWhiskyShots in your preferred social media channel.
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